Friday, February 12, 2010

Tasty Freeze

"Roll back Pelosi!"was the war cry this afternoon from Rush Limbaugh who, among others, is advocating freezing federal spending at 2007 levels.  Rush rightly pointed out that the federal budget has exploded ever since the Democrats took over the House after the 2006 elections, and with the help of Barack Obama's $3.8 trillion budget, will further push their deficit spending to a remarkable $1.6 trillion.  According to  Senator George LeMieux (R-FL), if government spending were reduced to 2007 levels, we'd have a balanced budget with a $163 billion surplus.  Think that might be too draconian?  Then how about freezing spending at 2008 levels, which would balance the federal budget in 2014 with a $133 billion surplus.  In both cases, according to a story in the Weekly Standard, these budgets could be accomplished while maintaining the Bush tax cuts.

George LeMieux, for those who may not remember, was appointed by Florida Governor Charlie Crist to fill out the remaining term of Mel Martinez who resigned.  Mr. LeMieux's spending plan has gained little attention in Washington, due in part to the fact that he is not seeking reelection.  In Washington parlance, those who do not seek reelection are less than lame ducks, they are pesona non grata.  That, and the fact that the Democrat majority have little interest in curbing their monstrous spending spree anytime soon.  Suffice it to say that we could use more people like Senator LeMieux in public office.

1 comment:

  1. Roll Back Pelosi
    Rush Limbaugh said it and we can all support it... The budget battle cry of 2010...
    Roll Back Pelosi
