Thursday, November 19, 2009

There's Something About Sarah

Sarah Palin drew 60,000 at The Villages in Florida last September. The 2008 Republican vice presidential candidate sits on Oprah's couch and the talk show mogul's ratings go through the roof. Thousands line shopping mall corridors just to get a glimpse of the former governor of Alaska. Millions will buy her book. Yet to the media elite in New York, L.A. and Washington, D.C., who continuously castigate and excoriate her, she is an inconsequential rube demagoguing her way through fly-over country as she clings to her guns and her religion. In other words, you should be afraid of Sarah Palin, be very afraid.

Why all the hate for this woman? What did she ever do to elicit such vitriol? Nothing she has ever done, no action taken on her part, has warranted the abject disgust and abuse this woman has taken at the hands of our national media. So she didn't answer a couple of questions quite the way she should have during the campaign. She answered more than enough of them right. She was the answer to millions of prayers and aspirations of hopeful Republican voters, most notably John McCains', who by joining him, single-handidly drew his ass out of the fire of a hopelessly pathetic campaign and gave it enough life to have a legitimate shot at winning.

Sarah Palin may not be the first woman elected as President of the United States. She may never be elected to another political office again in her life time. She may never again participate in Republican party politics. What Sarah Palin is however, is a powerful and welcome voice of conservatism in a country vastly in need of such.

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