Michigan has the highest unemployment in the nation at just over 15%. Governor Granholm has presided over the biggest decline in the number of jobs and one of the largest emigration rates of a state's population in decades, if not centuries. When she took office in 2003, Michigan's automobile manufacturing had 72% more jobs than it has today. Her answer to all of this has been the Michigan Business Tax, an increase in the personal income tax, and various other increases in taxes and fees. She is kryptonite to economic growth and prosperity.
What I hope the president hears, and follows, will be to reverse course on growing the employment rolls of government, nonprofits, and community organizing, and take the remaining funds from TARP and Stimulus I and put them towards rebuilding our nation's transportation, sanitary, and energy transmission infrastructure. Or he could drop his socialistic tendencies and drop the corporate tax rate from 35% to 15%. If nothing else, 15% is a number Governor Granholm can embrace and be comfortable with.
i couldn't agree more. Granholm's attendance is laughable.