The system is failed. There's too much money, too many lobbyists. The senate filibuster must go. It's too hard to get or maintain sixty votes. It's the process. The Republicans are obstructionists. The Senate Democrats are gutless. There's no leadership from the White House. These are the excuses provided over the last two days on MSNBC, to explain why Obama and the Democrats continue to plummet in the polls, from two different left wing progressives; Katrina Vanden Heuvel, editor and publisher of The Nation, and Howard Dean, former governor of New Hampshire, former presidential candidate, former head of the Democrat Party, and current resident of planet P*j3R^xoI+ia (phonetically pronounced as bat-shit-crazy). Excuse upon excuse, followed by further excuses, are offered daily to those willing to drink the numbing kool-aid proffered by followers of failed policies. It's never their ideas or individual practitioners, like Obama, Reid, or Pelosi that may be at fault. No way, uh uhh. It's always an outside force, some form of gremlin, that ruins all things progressive.
Once again, perhaps a little louder this time....IT'S THE SPENDING, STUPID! And for good measure....STOP THE LIES! Even Sen. Evan Bayh missed that point in trying to blame a jobs bill that failed earlier in the month as one of his reasons for leaving his senate seat prematurely. The supposedly bipartisan bill was loaded with pork, spent too much and created too little jobs. It damn well have better been pulled! Sen. Bayh also pointed to a bill, co-sponsored by a handful of Republicans who eventually voted against it, that would have created a deficit reduction commission to help the president cut spending. Why does the president need a commission to cut spending? He doesn't. What he and the Democrats desperately need and want however, is for Republicans to share ownership of his growing deficits. Full disclosure: Congressional Republicans should take responsibility for TARP funds and other deficit spending run up under George Bush. If they don't, they'll never hear the end of "Deficits? Where were you when George Bush was in charge?" My guess is they probably will by held responsible, in effect, by losing a number of primary races this year.
What the American people want is an end to mindless spending. We are promised by every presidential candidate every four years, that if elected, they will find waste and eliminate it. They promise to cull through every government program and if any one is found to be unsuccessful, useless or duplicative, it will be done away with. NEWS FLASH: WHEN WASTE, INEFFICIENCY, AND DUPLICATION ARE FOUND, THAT HOLE IN THE BUDGET MUST NOT BE REPLACED BY MORE WASTE, INEFFICIENCY, AND DUPLICATION. This simple message should quickly become the lexicon of every elected official in every committee room of every federal, state, county and city hall throughout this country, and very soon.
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