When we last met a year ago, we were just learning what an
Obama administration would look like. A trillion dollar
stimulus had passed, two American car companies had been
nationalized, creditors paid with pennies on the dollar while assets and ownership were shared with powerful friends. The president’s apology tour was playing to fawning crowds around the world; old allies were rebuffed while new tyrants were courted. The White House began what would become a yearlong process to pass Obamacare, by hook or by crook, mostly by crook. The administration reserved its strongest words for patriotic groups, while would be terrorists were simply identified as “misguided” and quickly provided with legal assistance from our own Justice Department. Businesses and individuals who operate on a profit motive were dismissed as greedy and un-American and have been served notice that this administration will punish such behavior with increased regulation and higher taxes. And US states that take responsibility for their own safety and welfare by clamping down on illegal immigration, when Washington won’t, are held up for presidential ridicule both foreign and domestic. Speaking of illegal aliens, a majority of the American people are awakening to the fact that a socialist in the White House may not be all that good for the long-term prospects of these United States.
New elections, beginning last fall in Virginia, New Jersey, and Massachusetts, and again this spring, continue to spell defeat for the Obama agenda and Democrats in general. The electorate is fed up with politicians overspending, overreaching, and overstaying their welcome. They are looking for honesty, integrity, and conviction in dialing back the excesses of government and seek those with the ability to make clear distinctions between want and need.
Across Michigan and here in Saginaw County, Republicans are poised to make substantial gains across the political spectrum. With the help of about 50 new precinct delegates, thanks to the TriCity 912vers and other tea party groups, conservative candidates will get the necessary help to organize and deliver the votes on August 3rd and November 2nd. For the first time in many years, Saginaw Republicans are fielding candidates in 10 of the 15 county commissioners districts. We even have a primary in the 95th! Although interparty primary’s can be wasteful and counterproductive, the fact that we even have them proves that we are just as viable and energized as ever before.
In case time gets short at the conclusion of our program, I would like to thank members of the executive committee in particular, Helene Wiltse, Don Milne, Randall Norton and Greg Ostrom for their assistance in putting together today’s program. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank our elected officials for the many hours they put in in serving the people of mid Michigan. The time they spend away from family and friends, in the pursuit of quality service and good government is a testament to the caliber and dedication of each of these individuals. I encourage you to assist them and other candidates for office in any way that you can.
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