Friday, June 4, 2010


I had the pleasure to hear Newt Gingrich in Mr. Pleasant the other day for a 4th Congressional District fundraiser.  Newt's simple message that day was for the audience to always remember that "two plus two makes four."  With President Obama in the White House it's difficult at times, especially when we are repeatedly bombarded with statements, actions, and policies that attempt to promote 2+2=5.  Newt gave the analogy to George Orwell's famous book 1984, where the state promotes obvious untruths as gospel in their attempt to brainwash the populace into submission and passivity.   Two plus two makes four becomes a kind of coda then for those who understand the real truth and will not be dissuaded by popular "truths."

Some examples of the progressives two plus two equals five dogma:

  • For twenty-five years, we were pushed and prodded (with Republican help I might add) into the belief that your income need not be a deterrent to owning the home of your dreams.  No money down, interest only loans, and perennially low interest rates fed a voracious appetite that led to eventual collapse in '08.
  • Finance reform without addressing Fannie and Freddie.
  • That the trillion dollar Obamacare will reduce the deficit.
  • The President will not sign a bill that includes congressional earmarks, then promptly and repeatedly does so.
  • The President promises the most transparent administration in history, then presides over a series of midnight votes, back room deals and pay for play Chicago style politics.
  • Blasts the State of Arizona for passing a law that essentially reinforces federal law and current U. S. policy.
  • Dismisses the rightful ownership of a public company (GM and Chrysler) and basically divvies up their assets to powerful friends and allies.   
So for the next thirty-two months, remember two plus two always makes four.

P.S. Newt's daughter has determined that Obama's campaign slogan "Change we can believe in," should really have been "Change what we believe in." 

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