Wednesday, November 4, 2009

What Tuesday's Election Means

1. Obamaism has been gravely wounded, perhaps even (and hopefully) fatally so. While the Democrats currently hold the majority in Washington, they now know that the policies behind the rapid expansion of the federal government, combined with unsustainable and continued deficit spending, along with the many other utopian ideals of the progressives, will not be supported by a majority of Americans.

2. Independent campaigns, like Doug Hoffman's in New York, Christopher Daggett's in New Jersey, and Ross Perot's in the 90's, while perhaps charming to some, only serve to dilute and disperse the very real anger and frustrations of those who have become disenchanted with our two-party system. Better to pick a party and work from within.

3. While the New York 23rd might not be the best test of Sarah Palin's attempt at going rogue and garnering support for her brand of conservatism, it does tell me that she has little crossover appeal on left-leaning moderates.

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