Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Puss "N Boots

Two separate and totally unrelated events yesterday provided yet another window into the fractured soul of the Obama administration.  The walk-out by U.S. diplomats during Iranian president Ahmadinejad's speech to the U.N., and the daily White House briefing provided by press secretary Robert Gibbs.  While walking out of a room in a huff to show one's displeasure with either the speaker, the subject matter, or both, may be the tool of choice in the Obama foreign policy quiver, its harshest words were directed to those who represent true evil: private enterprise.  In a reference to the unfortunate and awful oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, Mr. Gibbs reminded us that the Obama White House would keep their "boot on the throat" of British Petroleum in cleanup and compensation efforts going forward.  Empty and toothless gestures for those who threaten nuclear proliferation and possible Armageddon.  Tough talk and true disdain for those who just lost eleven men in a tragic and accidental oil rig explosion.

Don't get me wrong.  I'm not in favor of eco-disasters like the one playing out along the shores of the Gulf coast.  On the contrary, drilling offshore has always been a risky business for both the driller and those who earn a living from the surrounding waters.  Physics tells us that oil and water don't mix.  But don't for a second equate the horrors of nuclear weapons, in the hands of Islamic extremists, with a temporary, albeit disastrous, economic and environmental mess.  One will get cleaned up.  The other could end human existence on our planet.


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