Friday, November 13, 2009

Coddling Evil

As if the news that the Obama administration was making H1N1 vaccinations available to Gitmo prisoners before most of us in this country get ours wasn't shameful enough, now comes the real clincher. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the admitted mastermind behind the 9/11 attacks, will be permitted to stand trial in New York City in a civil court. This decision by the U.S. Justice Department, under the auspices of President Barack Hussein Obama, is not only unconscionable but a direct affront to those that perished in the attacks, their families, and to their memories.

While many of us have been appalled at the speed and magnitude with which this president continues to try and remake this country into something that more aptly fits his own warped sense of ideology, this latest stunt wins first prize, hands down. President Obama and the rest of the blame it on America crowd will get their opportunity to put Uncle Sam on trial for the exploitation, degradation, and humiliation of the Muslim empire and all people of color. They will put before the world court, George W. Bush, for the unlawful invasion and summary destruction of an innocent and valuable member of the international community, as prosecuted by Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, al Quaeda, and ably assisted by the U.S. Justice Department. God help us.

P.S. When I spellchecked, "Khalid", I was asked if my computer needed to learn this particular word or spelling. Unfortunately I had to enter yes.


  1. Did you see Rudy Giuliani's interview on Fox News Sunday this morning? It is clear that the Obama administration has declared the war on terror is over by the trial of the Gitmo detainees being held in NYC. Very sad indeed.

  2. Do you want to know what is REALLY on trial?
    My patience.
    As far as vaccinations go, you can see how unseemly ObamaCare will be when you have to plead with your “local representative” for favorable treatment if you are sick. I will just get Barney Frank to make a phone call and I will get my vaccine. The rest of you will just have to kiss the ring of your CO-OP representative and maybe, just maybe if you kiss long and hard they will decide to give you the treatment you need to save your life. What’s that? Name my first born son after you? Sure, no problem. I’ll even sign a paper saying I will only vote for you.
    As for the rest of it, welcome to “in your face liberalism.”
    We don’t care that you don’t want socialized medicine. You’re going to get it anyway.
    What? You want to call it a “show trial?” NO WAY. This is justice. The liberal translation of the word justice is of course, payback. No Justice, No peace! Remember? Forget about ACORN. Forget about Ft. Hood. Let’s have a trial and some good ol’ fashion JUSTICE.
    Appalled? That is far too polite a word. Let me borrow a phrase from Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf and call it what it is, BOVINE SCATOLOGY. This trial will make the O.J. trial seem like kindergarten nap time. Oh, but the world will know that you can get a fair shake in America.
    Imagine, just for a second what it might have felt like to plow into a building at 500 miles per hour. Maybe we can show the piles of bodies from the jumpers. Then we will be able to sympathize with the poor little sheik Moohammed Kali Haji Who-cares-what-you-call-him, and his ordeal with a water board. Then we can drape him with the rights that SHOULD BE reserved American citizens. Won’t that be grand? After all, it’s the right thing to do because the rest of the world doesn’t like us and oh my gosh, I just want the world to like me, and we have been so mean bla bla bla. Grow up!
