Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Selective Memory

Befuddled, impotent, and left seemingly catatonic by the elections, Obama and the Democrats have nothing to offer but excuses.  They still have their majorities mind you, in both houses of Congress, but their message to everyone is they just can't do it alone.  They passed the stimulus alone, Obamacare without any help, and their version of Wall Street reform all by their lonesome, but apparently tax policy and the extension of unemployment benefits are just too heavy a burden to withstand all by themselves.

Aren't we all just a wee bit tired of this selective memory that the Democrats and the media are trying to pass off on the American public.  Blaming the Republicans time and again for any stalemate, on any issue important to the left, would be laughable if it weren't so darned insulting.  Really Mr. President, Mr. Reid, Ms. Pelosi, you can't find enough Democrat votes to extend unemployment benefits even with Christmas less then a month away.  Can't seem to muster enough votes from defeated members of Congress to lift the the tax cuts on people making over a million dollars per year?  While both of these policies may be wrong for the economy, and are mostly opposed by the Republicans, these should be bread and butter issues for you progressives.  If you can't get these things done then shame on you.

Stop complaining.  Stop your whining.  Either act or get the hell out of the way.  In any case, the public has lost interest in your historic victories of '08.  We are beyond the story line of the transformational presidency of Barack Obama.  What we have learned over the last two years, at a very great cost, is that the emperor has no clothes and that progressives are bereft of useful and constructive ideas to sustain the American way of life.  We have also been reminded that experience counts, and that community organizers with too few years of any practical legislative accomplishments, or without a shred of executive experience, can or should lead a free nation.  Those are lessons we cannot afford to forget any time soon.    

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